
healthcare and life sciences


Expert digital services for the healthcare and life sciences Industry

In the fast-evolving healthcare and life sciences sector, digital transformation is no longer a luxury; it’s a necessity. Saplan’s expert digital agency services are tailored to meet the unique challenges and opportunities this industry presents.

  • Custom Website Development: Our team excels in designing and developing compliant websites optimized for mobile devices. These websites are not only technically sound but also incorporate engaging, patient-focused content to connect with your target audience.
  • SEO and Content Marketing: To ensure that your organization is discovered by the right audience, we offer tailored Search Engine Optimization (SEO) services.
  • Social Media Management: In a world where communication and engagement are paramount, our social media management services leverage the power of platforms to build trust and relationships within your audience.
  • Data Analytics and Reporting: Make informed decisions with our data analytics services, which unlock valuable insights into user behavior and campaign performance.
  • Patient Engagement Solutions: We recognize that patient engagement is at the heart of healthcare success. Therefore, we offer interactive tools and platforms to enhance this engagement, from patient portals to appointment scheduling apps, ensuring better communication, patient compliance, and overall satisfaction.
  • Compliance and Data Security: Safeguarding patient data is our priority, and we offer robust data security solutions to ensure the safety and privacy of sensitive healthcare information.
  • E-commerce Solutions: In the digital age, the ability to sell healthcare products and services online is a significant advantage. Our e-commerce solutions facilitate online sales, secure payment processing, and streamline inventory management, enabling you to expand your reach and improve accessibility to patients and customers.

Saplan’s expert digital agency services empower healthcare and life sciences organizations to thrive in the digital age while ensuring patient well-being, data security, and compliance remain top priorities.


The industry sectors we served include

  • bank-notes-2448_bd66c927-7837-4dbf-bc25-d49656dfe619
    Healthcare Solutions

    Improve patient care and streamline healthcare operations with our digital solutions. Our services include Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems, telemedicine, and health data analytics for better healthcare delivery.

  • bank-cards-2445_a1e87fce-3f73-4202-9204-4ad23d9ce522
    Clinical Trials

    Enhance the efficiency of clinical trials with our digital services. We provide electronic data capture, patient recruitment tools, and data analysis solutions to expedite the drug development process.

  • coins-2452_3800c0d7-bb74-4470-909a-e107b62b50e6
    Pharmaceutical Research

    Optimize your pharmaceutical research efforts with our digital research tools. Utilize lab data management, data analytics, and collaboration platforms to accelerate drug discovery and development.

  • pos-terminal-2470_861790a4-85dc-4da4-b645-64e5b80247d5
    Patient Engagement

    Enhance patient engagement and satisfaction with our digital solutions. Offer patient portals, remote monitoring, and telehealth services for a personalized and convenient healthcare experience.

  • deposit-box-2465_8d0edd4a-0865-4431-b57f-e857a350022b
    Healthcare Analytics

    Leverage healthcare data to make informed decisions with our analytics tools. Analyze patient data, optimize resource allocation, and enhance clinical outcomes through data-driven insights.

  • invoice-2474_16cf5270-ffa8-4c6e-b664-5b73fe167d57
    Life Sciences Analytics

    Optimize your life sciences operations with our data analytics tools. Analyze clinical trial data, research outcomes, and market trends for better decision-making and product development.

Benefits to bank on

Our clients are able to increase end-user productivity without sacrificing usability.

  • Business Agility

    Business growth and seasonal flexibility are easily scaled as our banking IT services adapt to the client’s needs allowing them to easily add and remove users without a headache.

  • Security and compliance

    Our clients are able to control business sensitive data and adhere to compliance mandates securely and efficiently while enabling staff to access the data when and how they need it.

  • Office mobility

    We help clients create secure applications and remote user experiences in a reliable and secure network for a mobile workforce that can extend to multiple bank branches and offsite contractors.

  • Application development

    By partnering with us. From the beginning, our managed IT support works within a set budget so our clients get exactly what their business needs without end of month surprises.

Stop wasting time and money on technology. Let’s get started


Transform your technology by focusing on 3 key areas

  • refresh-database-1856_a6704a77-603a-45b0-925d-41498e0fb1aa

    Data transformation

    Accelerate “Data-to-Insight-to-Action” cycle, by consuming offerings like Data-as-a-Service and Reporting-as-a-Service.

  • radar-signal-727_b1dcc914-3ee5-449c-941e-d4684ee50ba3

    Digital enablement

    Drive key business outcomes, using the full service digital stack – Mosaic, Digital Jedis, and human-centered design experience.

  • handshake-2819_4c48473b-74a8-4575-890d-e1824695a74c

    Innovation partnership

    Adopt a collaborative approach to innovation, by leveraging innovation labs, future financial ecosystems, alliances & partners.


Our Healthcare and Life Sciences expertise

At Saplan, our expertise in Healthcare and Life Sciences is second to none. We have a deep understanding of the intricacies and unique challenges that this sector presents. Our team comprises professionals with a wealth of experience in navigating the regulatory landscape, delivering patient-centered solutions, and upholding the highest standards of data security.

We are well-versed in the specific needs of healthcare organizations, pharmaceutical companies, research institutions, and medical practitioners.

Customers stories